Add Keywords in Blogger Post SEO

Add Keywords in Blogger Post for SEO

Are you thinking about "how to add SEO keywords in blogger? Adding relevant keywords in blogger is very simple. It is a top secrete to learn if you want your blog posts to be searched in top 10 results in Google search engine. Your blog posts are not appearing in top 10 search results in Google? Yes this is a key task for all bloggers to optimize their blog posts for better SEO. These "Meta tags" or "Keywords" are very significant SEO terms. To enable your blog and blog posts to be rank better in search engine, you have to add "Meta tags" or "Keywords" in every page of your blog. In addition to "Generating Sitemap and Updating it in Webmasters Tool", it is very important to put some Meta tags or Keywords in your blog’s HTML code.
When you want to put keywords in every blogger posts, you can’t because there is only meta description place in blogger. There you cannot find keywords adding space. So if you want to add Meta tags or Keywords, you have to add some codes on your template. "Meta tags" or "Keywords" help you to increase your blog traffic

Step by step instructions to add Meta tags or Keywords in individual blogger posts.
1.      Log in into your blogger account.
2.      Select your blog.
3.      Go to "Template" >> "Edit HTML".
4.      And find (Ctrl+F) following code,

<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>

5.   Paste the following codes below the above code

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "PAGE-URL"'>
<meta content='PAGE-DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='PAGE-KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>

6.    Now you have to paste the above code every times when you post new posts. If you have 50 posts, you should copy and paste the above code 50 times too


1. Write the URL of your post in PAGE-URL.

2. Write Meta description in PAGE-DESCRIPTION. (This is may be your post’s "Search Description" words OR Post title)

3. Write "Meta Keyword" in PAGE-KEYWORD. (Keywords should be separated with comma for e.g

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